About Cookies
What is a "cookie"?
A cookie is a small text file that can be transmitted to your browser when you visit a website. We use various cookies on the site to improve our services and the interactive nature of the site.

Cookies required in order for the site to function
These cookies allow the site to function optimally. You can object to them and delete them using your browser settings, however, your user experience may be impaired and some of our services rendered inaccessible.

user_session: identifies the user on the website (session)
dr-consent-id: unique identifier enabling the retention of the Internet user's choices regarding cookies (6 months)
local: enables the identification of the user's display language (13 months)
s_o: enables the identification of the source of an application (session)
s_i: enables the identification of the source of an application (session)
s_i_url: enables the identification of the source of an application (session)
s_b: enables the identification of the broadcaster (session)

Third-party cookies intended to improve the user experience
These cookies allow us to improve the user experience by analysing our traffic and offering functionalities provided by third-party services:

 Reach measurement
Reach measurement services enable the generation of traffic statistics that are useful for the improvement of the site. No personal data is processed. The cookie is thus exempt from the requirement for consent in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Matomo/Mixpanel: enables the tracking of content and the compilation of statistics on the use of the site (6 months)

 Video services
Video sharing services enable the enrichment of the site with multimedia content, and increase its visibility.
youtube nocookie: enables the display of Youtube videos (24 months, longest possible duration)
Vimeo player: enables the display of Vimeo videos (24 months, longest possible duration)
Dailymotion: enables the display of Dailymotion videos (13 months)

During your first visit to the site, a banner informs you of the presence of cookies and invites you to state your choice. They are only installed if you accept them. You can access the cookie management panel to accept or reject them via the "Manage cookies" link at the bottom of each page of the website. You can state your preference for the entire site, or on a service by service basis.
To find out more about cookies and their impact on your browsing experience, you can consult the CNIL website.
To find out more about the processing of your personal data, consult our charter.